Thursday, October 6, 2011

Five Fantastic Things

Yay! I love these.

  1. Fall Break!!! It is much needed right about now.
  2. Fuzzy socks. I swear they are always so much warmer than regular socks.
  3. Having no homework over fall break. As a freshman in college this concept is completely new to me! Apparently the professors actually want you to have a break! I am used to making a schedule of my insane homework load that was given specifically because there was a break in high school. Oh how I love this change! haha
  4. Cool colored nail polish. It is so nice to look down at my nails and not be disgusted.
  5. New haircuts!!! I just went shorter. Hope to have pictures soon!
Well that is it for this weeks Five Fantastic Things! It is much needed right now considering I am in the middle of finishing a 1500 word essay due tomorrow. Only about 550 more words to go thank goodness! This is what has been consuming me this last week. Much apologies. After this is finished I am free! I can't wait.

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